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By Laws


Accepted October 17th, 2023.



The Nassau County Chapter School Facilities Association of the New York State School Facilities Association is committed to the profession of educational facilities management and the creation of lifetime learners. Our primary objective is to afford our members continued opportunities for professional growth and development.


Article I: Name

Section 1. The name of this chapter shall be the Nassau County Chapter School Facilities Association of the New York State Association. The title of Director of Facilities shall be interpreted to have the meaning of Superintendent of School Buildings & Grounds and remain so during their membership tenure.


Article II: Objectives

Section 1. The Objectives of the Chapter shall be:

  1. To promulgate and establish the highest standards of ethics and efficiency in educational facilities management and related areas.

  2. To research, investigate and disseminate the most efficient methods and practices in all matters pertaining to educational facilities management and related areas.

  3. To delineate and disseminate educational and technical criteria related to the profession of educational facilities administrator.

  4. To review existing state laws, state education commissioner’s regulations, Board of Regents rules, Board of Education policies and other procedures; and to seek appropriate changes in order to reflect the current needs of educational facilities management.

  5. To further the policies and projects of the New York State School Facilities Association by encouraging members to join, to serve on special committees, and to promote attendance at the regular monthly meetings.

  6. To operate as a non-profit organization supporting educational and charitable organizations.

  7. To present a professional perspective, relating to educational facilities management to school

    associations with similar interests and objectives. As well as student groups, parent groups, as well

    as local and state government.

  8. To provide professional development and scholarship opportunities for Association members “in

    good standing” and the staff working in the Facilities Departments.

Article Ill: Membership

Section 1: Membership in the Chapter shall consist of Active, Associate, Retired, and Honorary members. All Chapter members must be dues paying members of the New York State School Facilities Association and be “in good standing”. To be considered a member in good standing, payment of State and Chapter dues must be current. Welfare Fund assessment may be implemented at the discretion of the Executive Board. The Executive Board reserves the right to adjust acceptable attendance requirements for individual members based on extenuating circumstances. Individuals with extenuating circumstances may contact any Executive Board member. The Executive Committee shall review and approve all applications for Associate Membership.

a. Active Membership shall be restricted to persons regularly employed in the profession of educational facilities management, duly appointed by their respective Board of Education in an approved Civil Service title. Active members must make a good faith effort to attend three (3) or more monthly Chapter meetings. Due to individual extenuating circumstances, an Active Member may apply to the Executive Board to be excused from meeting participation.

b. Associate / Affiliate Membership shall consist of New York State registered architect/engineer, school business official, school superintendent, school health & safety officer, or any firm or company that provides a service, supplies or equipment to educational facilities. Associate membership will be considered on an as needed basis. Every effort will be made to limit similar firms, companies, and suppliers to avoid duplication of services. Associate members are urged to participate and attend regularly scheduled monthly Chapter meetings. A minimum of two (2) Active member sponsors are required for Associate applicants. Associate Membership requires members to be in good standing with the New York State Association. Such members cannot hold a Chapter Office and have no voting rights. Associate members may hold a position to serve as a Committee Member.

c. Retired Membership is for all retired persons who held the “Director of Facilities” title and were members in good standing of this Association at the time of their retirement. They shall be considered honorary life members of the Association. Such members shall be entitled to all privileges of the Association except, they are exempt from payment of dues. Such Retired members have no voting rights. Retired members may be appointed by the Executive Board to hold a position in the title of Executive Director, Accountant or Committee Chairperson.

d. Honorary Membership may be granted to any individual who has contributed outstanding service to this organization. Honorary Membership must be proposed by an Active Member in good standing and approved by the Membership Committee and a majority vote of the Executive Committee. The Honorary member shall be proposed at the next regularly scheduled Association meeting and must be approved for membership by a majority of the Active members present. Such individual members shall be entitled to all privileges of the Association except they are exempt from payment of dues. Such members cannot hold a Chapter Office and have no voting rights.

Section 2: All Active, Associate & Affiliate classifications of membership are required to pay annual New York State and Chapter dues, or forfeit all rights, privileges and benefits until dues have been paid. Applications for membership shall be renewed annually.


Article IV: Officers

Section 1: The officers of the Chapter shall consist of a President, President Elect, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Correspondence Secretary, Sergeant of Arms, and the immediate Past- President. All Chapter officers must maintain eligibility for Active Membership and be in good standing. All elected positions shall serve a one-year term to be elected annually.


Section 2: The President shall be elected annually. Should the office of President become vacant during a Chapter year, the President-Elect shall assume the office of the Presidency. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and of the Executive Committee to promote the provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws, to appoint committees, to serve ex-officio on these committees, and outline specific responsibilities for these committees. The President attends all required State meeting / voting.


Section 3: The President-Elect and Vice President shall be elected annually by the membership. Should any of these offices become vacant, the Executive Committee shall appoint a successor for the remainder of the term. The President-Elect shall assume the duties of the President in case of his/her absence or resignation and shall function as Program Chairman for Chapter meetings.

-President-Elect shall serve as chairperson of the program committee and as such, and with the assistance of such committee, shall arrange for meeting places and provide appropriate speakers and/or other demonstrations etc. as he or she determines to be in the best interests of the Chapter.
-Vice President, during the absence of the President and President-Elect, shall preside at meetings of the Chapter and of the Executive Committee. The Vice President shall serve as liaison to the Custodial Workshop.


Section 4: The Recording Secretary, Correspondence Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected to one- year terms. Should any of these offices become vacant, the Executive Committee shall appoint an interim Secretary (In the title that is vacant) and or an interim Treasurer and an election will be held as soon as possible.

a. Recording Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to record the proceedings of all Chapter meetings, as well as those of the Executive Committee, and to advise them in advance and in writing of the date, time, place, and program of all meetings.

b. Correspondence Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Correspondence Secretary to compile and submit public relations related information for websites and news related platforms, to promote the chapter and share information about chapter accomplishments. The Executive Committee will provide direction and final approval of all information that will be posted.

c. Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer, in conjunction with the Chapter Accountant, to collect membership dues and other monies due to the Chapter, deposit such funds in a depository approved by the Executive Committee, and pay all bills approved by the Executive Committee. He / she shall keep a record of all receipts and expenditures in an approved form and shall present such records for an annual audit upon the request of the Audit Committee. They (Treasurer, Accountant and Recording Secretary) shall also be responsible for assisting in the preparation of tax returns applicable to the chapter. The Treasurer shall be responsible to report the payment of dues to the chapter Recording Secretary, Executive Board and membership as required.


Section 5: The Sergeant of Arms shall be elected to a one-year term. He / she shall call the meeting to order, conduct the pledge to the flag, take attendance and introduce guests, as well as performing other such duties as directed by the President.


Section 6: The Past President(s) shall act as an advisor and perform such duties as assigned by the President. The term of the (most recent) Past-President office shall be a period of one year.


Section 7: To be eligible for election to office a candidate must be a dues paying member in good standing for at least twelve months.


Section 8: For the purpose of providing operational continuity of the organization, the State Director will serve a term of 3 years. This position will serve as representative / liaison for the Nassau Chapter to the State Chapter, attending all State required meetings (or send a responsible alternate in his / her place). The State Director will participate in State voting. He / she will provide regular updates to the Executive Board and Membership. The State Director position will be evaluated on an annual basis by the Executive Board for reappointment each year of the term.


Section 9: The nomination of officers shall be held during the October monthly meeting of each year. Should there be more than one person nominated or running for office, a vote by secret ballot will be held at the November meeting, with the results being read at the conclusion of the meeting. The Election Committee shall be responsible for the preparation of closed ballots and tallying the results. Chapter officers shall be sworn in and assume their duties effective at the December meeting.


Section 10: Executive Director / Accountant position(s) shall be appointed by the Executive Board. For the purpose of providing operational continuity of the organization, the Executive Director and Accountant position(s) will serve a term of 3 years. These position(s) will be evaluated on an annual basis by the Executive Board for reappointment each year of the term. These positions may be held by Active and/or Retired members and may also serve as Committee members. The Executive Director shall serve as an employee to the Executive Board and carry out all duties assigned by the Executive Board.


Section 11: For the purpose of providing operational continuity of the organization during extraordinary times such as a state of emergency, pandemic, natural disaster, or other circumstance which may prevent the Executive Board or the Membership from meeting in person, the following measures may be implemented:


  1. Electronic communication shall become the means of notification that a special meeting is to be convened. This shall include the Board Meetings, Regular Monthly Meeting, and the announcement of such.

  2. Electronic meetings are for information exchange only and not for formal voting due to the size of the membership. For the purpose of voting on any specific “business issue” or “election”, the Executive Director may develop an official electronic form, ballot, or survey to be completed and electronically signed by the individual DOF’s. The Executive Director will open all absentee ballots and electronic voting results in the presence of no less than 4 members of the Executive Board either in person or via videoconference. An announcement of the results of any voting will be made via email to the entire body of the Chapter immediately following the tally of all votes.

c. Monthly Meetings and / or Executive Board meeting may also take place electronically with a quorum constituting the majority of all Directors. Voting on business matters may take place via a roll call vote with the tally being recorded and a part of the minutes of the meeting.


Article V: Committees

Section 1: The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers of the Chapter, the past four (4) most recent Presidents, the State Director and they shall be vested with the power to act in the name of the Chapter between regular meetings on all matters provided that such actions fully comply with the Constitution & By-Laws.


Section 2: The President shall appoint the following committees. Individual committee members will be listed on the Association Web Site.


  • Audit

  • Civil Service

  • Constitution & By-Laws

  • Election Committee

  • Good and Welfare

  • Health & Safety

  • Holiday Celebration (December) Professional Ethics

  • Legislative Committee

  • Liaison to NASBO

  • Liaison to Suffolk SBGA

  • Membership Recruitment

  • Mentoring Program / Professional Development Nominations

  • Programs / Custodial Workshop Retirement Counseling

  • Salary Survey

  • Scholarship

  • Golf Committee

  • Web Page / Technology

  • CHAIRPERSON, CO-CHAIRPERSON Accountant, Treasurer, Secretary Executive Director, President

  • Sargent of Arms

  • Executive Director Accountant, Treasurer

  • Executive Director State Director

  • President

  • Executive Director Appointed as needed

  • Recording Secretary Vice President


Section 3: Each committee shall be responsible to complete and report on all tasks assigned by the President. All committees of this Chapter must have one regular Active member as Committee Chairperson or Co-Chairperson. Retired members may participate as Co-Chair members.


Article VI: Finances

Section 1: The fiscal year shall be from July 1st to June 30th of each year.


Section 2: Annual Active and Affiliate Member chapter dues of $75.00 per year shall become due and payable by September 1st of each year.

Section 3: Annual assessment for Active Membership classification of $30.00 per year for the “Good and Welfare Fund” shall become due and payable by September 1st of each year. The Executive Committee shall review any hardship cases for members who have not paid their assessment. Activation of this fund assessment will be at the discretion of the Executive Board.


Section 4: Associate membership dues of $150.00 per year shall become due and payable by September 1st of each year.


Section 5: Honorary and Retired members shall be exempt from dues assessment.

Article VII: Meetings


Section 1: Meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of each month unless conflicts arise. The executive board will select the best date for the meeting and the board’s decision is final. Meetings will occur from September through June. Roberts Rules of Order shall be the format used for meeting proceedings. In the event of a holiday falling on that date, another day will be selected by the Executive Committee that is convenient to the Chapter members.


Section 2: The order of business for Chapter meetings shall be as follows:


  •   Pledge of Allegiance

  •   Introductions of Members & Guests in Attendance

  •   Recording Secretary Reading of Previous Months or Special Meeting Minutes

  •   Treasurers Report (to be reviewed at Director’s only pre-meeting)

  •   President’s Report

  •   Report of Special Committees

  •   Audit Report

  •   Civil Service

  •   Constitution & By-Laws

  •   Custodial Workshop

  •   Election Committee

  •   Good and Welfare

  •   Health & Safety

  •   Holiday Celebration (December)

  •   Professional Ethics

  •   Legislative Committee

  •   Liaison to NASBO

  •   Liaison to Suffolk SBGA

  •   Membership Recruitment

  •   Mentoring Program Professional Development

  •   Nominations

  •   Program

  •   Retirement Counseling

  •   Salary Survey

  •   Scholarship

  •   State Director

  •   Unfinished Business

  •   New Business

  •   Good & Welfare

  •  Remarks from the Floor

  •  Program Presentation

  •  Meeting Adjournment


Article VIII: Changes in Constitution or By-Laws


Section 1: Recommended changes or additions to the Constitution or By-Laws may be made at any meeting of the Chapter by an Active Member in “good standing”. The proposed changes shall be read aloud and recorded by the Chapter Recording Secretary. A written draft of the proposed changes will be hand delivered, mailed, or emailed to the “Sargent at Arms” for delivery to the Executive Board for review and implementation. The revisions will be mailed (electronically) to each active member in good standing. The vote will be conducted at the next regular meeting of the chapter. Voting may be performed via electronic survey through the Executive Director as indicated in Article IV, Section 10.


Section 2: A 50% plus 1 vote cast from Active Members in good standing is required for changes to be accepted and implemented into the Constitution or By-Laws.

 Associate, Affiliate, Retired and Honorary members are not permitted to cast a vote.


Section 3: Local laws not covered shall be in compliance with the state By-Laws. If state and local By- Laws differ or conflict the state By-Laws shall prevail.


Section 4: A complete review of the Constitution and By-Laws shall be completed once every three years.


Original: 1967
Revision: February 1974

Revision: December 1974

Revision: June 1982

Revision: June 1985

Revision: June 1995

Revision: June 1998

Revision: November 13, 2018

Revision: December 18, 2020

Revision: March 14, 2023

Revision October 17, 2023

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